Chestnut Class

Chestnut Class

Reception - Miss Back and Miss Kent

This term in Chestnut class, the children will be exploring the theme "Kings and Queens", starting with learning about London and some of the key landmarks to be found in the capital city.

In Literacy, we will be focusing on two key texts; "The Queen’s Hat" and "Cinderella". Using these texts, the children will identify characters and settings. As the children develop a deep understanding and familiarity with the text, they will be able to retell the story. The children will be using props to enhance their retelling of the story. They will also be writing sentences about the story, using their phonic knowledge to write words and to re-read what they have written. They will develop their grammar understanding further by focusing on using finger spaces and correct punctuation.

In our Phonics sessions we will be continuing learning the Initial Code of our Sounds Write programme.

Unit 9 – CCVC words

Unit 10 – CCVCC and CCCVC words

During Units 9 and 10, the children will be practicing segmenting and blending CCVC, CCVCC and CCCVC words, using sounds from units 1 to 7. 

In Maths, the children will be learning about doubles, by adding  2 equal parts to make a whole. They will use manipulatives to show how many objects there are altogether, continuing to develop their understanding that the last objects indicates the total amount. The children will continue to develop their subitising skills and show these using die and ten frames. Finally, the children will be focusing on the composition of 10, representing these using manipulatives. The children will be focusing on writing number sentences to support number bonds to 10.   

The children will also be exploring 2D and 3D shapes. The children will use positional language to describe the arrangements of these shapes. Finally, they will learn that shapes can be put together to make new shapes and that they  can be taken apart to make new shapes. 

In Understanding of the World, the children will be learning about "Kings and Queens". The children will be learning about King Charles III and the Royal Family. The children will learn about Buckingham Palace and look at the different features in this. They will learn that in the Palace there is a throne where the King or Queen sits. The children will also learn about the King’s Guardsmen and what their jobs are. They will then move onto learning about the Coronation ceremony and that during the Coronation ceremony the King or Queen wears the crown, holds a sceptre and an orb. Finally, we will be exploring King John and the Magna Carta.

The Knowledge Organiser will show you some of the key vocabulary that the children will be learning. During this term’s theme, we will also be reading stories that link to "Kings and Queens". You will find a recommended list of books that you might want to share with your children. 

In Art, the children will be learning how to use block paints and how to clean their brushes correctly. They will use different materials and medias to create collaged scenes. The children will then use these  techniques to create their own interpretations of  Rosseau’s "Tiger in a Tropical Storm". The children will then move on to learning how to use mixed media of  wax and watercolour paints, combining all of their newly learnt techniques to create a final piece of an underwater scene with fish and seaweed. 

In Design and Technology this term, we are going to be baking scones. The children will learn the names of the equipment that they will need to use and what each of these pieces are used for in the baking process.  The children will learn how to follow a "process cooking" recipe where they will follow a set of photographic illustrations to complete each step in sequence.  They will invite their families to join them in tasting the scones and evaluating on the baking and tasting processes to identify what could be added to them or what they could do differently next time to improve the taste or presentation of these. 

In RE, our question that we will exploring is "Why is every single person unique and precious?". The children will learn why objects can be precious and what precious means. This will support our learning of why babies are special and unique. We will also be learning about how Jesus welcomed everyone and believed that everyone is special and precious. Finally, the children will be exploring the Thanksgiving service and showing how babies are special to God. 

Home Learning 

Each Friday, your child will visit the library to choose a book to take home for a week.

To help support your child's maths learning at home, you can borrow a maths challenge bag from us and complete a challenge. There are lots of different bags with activities to supporting counting, sorting, matching and making. 

Your child has a homework book, which includes a range of challenges linked to our class learning. You can complete these challenges in any order you wish and can add photos and comments in to here. 

Please upload any photos and comments from learning at home onto your child’s Tapestry learning journal. 

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